Our shredding process
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Call: 01444 682041

We calculate quantities of confidential waste by the box or bag – a box is classed as a standard archive or medium removal box and our bags are the size of a ¾-full black bin bag. If you’re not sure how much you have, we can talk you through it.

On our sacks is a handy guide of what you can and can’t include. Once filled, tie the shredding sack with the tags provided. If you’re using your own bags or boxes, please ensure they are secure.

Please leave staples and paper clips in with your paperwork. We can also shred chequebook stubs, hardback books and diaries

Please remove any paperwork in lever arch files as they won’t be able to go through our shredder. If this proves difficult, then we can do this for you.
(There could be a small additional charge for this.)

We can normally complete your collection within 2–5 working days for local collections and within 7 for collections a bit further afield.

All of your confidential paper waste is recycled. We’ll do the same or very similar for cardboard, plastic and media recycling (phones, hard drives and tablets).